Sorry for the filler post, but I'm poorly at the minute! I have a throat infection, which is affecting my asthma too, it's also making me have a weird appetite too, for example I had a craving for cheesy straws from Cooplands yesterday and made my Dad's girlfriend bring me some back from town! Being poorly makes me hanker for savoury foos I think, anyway here's a little questions jobby to replace what would have been an outfit post, since I'm poorly I've not really been bothered to get dressed, I'm currently sat in pyjamas with a blanket round me, not much of an outfit really!
1. What is your dream job?
I'm still not sure what I really want to do for a job, I'm torn between teaching (sensible option) and journalism (not so sensible option) at the minute, which I can go into after doing my English Lit degree, which I start in September, eeeeh! I'm soo excited, anyway if I'm going to be honest I've always really wanted to be an author, ever since I was seven. I love reading and writing, I can't think of a more perfect job for me but again not a very sensible option, but who knows what the future will hold!
2. What is your favourite fragrance for Winter?
I wear Vera Wang Princess all year round!
3. How do you take your tea/coffee?
I only ever really drink coffee, which I have about medium, i.e medium strength and medium amount of milk in it, so not weak, but not to strong either. I only get the craving for tea when I'm poorly for some reason!
4. What is your most important beauty secret?
I don't think I have any! Moisturise lots would probably be it, my Dad's girlfriend says she always moisturised her skin and she's never had any stretch marks, even after 2 kids and lots of weight changes, so I think that's rather a good beauty secret/tip!
5. If you had an all expenses paid vacation, where would you go?
New York, although I don't think I'd ever come back! I've been lucky enough to go to New York twice already and I never wanted to leave, it truly is the most amazing place ever, and now I'm more into fashion as well I think I'd enjoy the experience even more!
6. If a genie popped up in your lap right now and offered you three wishes, what would you ask for?
As selfish as it is, I'd wish to be rich! But I would also wish for all the horrible diseases out there to be cured as well. My mum died of cancer, and I would never want anyone else out there to go what she went through, and what our family has been through, wether it's cancer, or heart disease or whatever it is, there's no reason why would should just cure one thing. As for my third wish, probably all the people who I love the most to just be happy! :)
7. If you could only have breakfast, lunch, dinner or desert foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
Dinner foods, without a doubt. I don't really eat breakfast anyway, and I think that most of the things you have for lunch you can have for dinner too, and only eating dinner foods means shepherd's pie and roast dinners a lot more, my favourite!
8. If you were Hello Kitty what colour hair bow would you wear?
Can I have a floral one please!?
9. What is your biggest makeup pet peeve?
Tide lines! Ugh I really hate it when people don't rub there foundation in properly, looks bloody horrible. Especially when their neck is pale, but their face is bright orange. Ughhh.
10. If you could wear only one piece of jewellery for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A necklace my boyfriend bought me for my 18th :)
11. What one talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing. I like to think that I can, when I'm singing along loudly to my iTunes, but I know I can't :')
12. Which product will you continue to purchase?
There's too many, but probably foundation, mascara and moisturiser. Not sure which brands, cause I still haven't found the perfect one's of either of them, although for moisturiser it would probably be Palmer's Coco Butter or Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter.
13. If you could look into the future, would you? And what would you like to know?
Ummm I really don't know! Normally I'm one of those people who has to know everything, but I'd be too scared I'd find out something bad then not want to live anymore or something horrible like that!
14. What made you start a blog?
I'd just been following lots of them for ages, and had thought about making one for a long time, and only just built up the courage to do it now!
15. Who is your biggest celebrity crush? Include a picture!
I was thinking about this the other day actually haha, cause I wasn't really sure if I had one! After watching 'Supersizers Eat' constantly these past few days I think it may have to be Giles Coren, or maybe Noel Fielding who I also really like. I really like funny men, if they make me laugh I will fancy them in some way! I also really like dark haired boys, so they both fit the bill, even though they're on complete opposite scales!

(yes I'm very aware I have weird taste men, although I assure you my boyfriend is perfectly normal!)
Anyway, thanks for reading and putting up with a silly filler post while I'm poorly! To make me feel better, why don't you tell me who your celebs crushes are, they can't be much worse than mine!
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